Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Xem Van Adams presents: The DuPont Circle

A Word From XemVanAdams via http://www.xemvanadams.com/

I will be spending the months of November and December workshopping the chapters that have already been written of THE DUPONT CIRCLE literary series. I want a group of other writers and creative minds to wrap their genius around my literary project before I publicly post the following chapters. I began writing THE DUPONT CIRCLE at the end of July, and have only had one other individual advise me on the development of the material. Though he is someone who I respect, I think following last week’s feedback, I should definitely dedicate more time to refining my series.
I published the first chapter of THE DUPONT CIRCLE only three months following the initial start of the project because I was excited about the work. I still am. I sometimes get a little frustrated with performing the same tasks day in and day out. Working on THE DUPONT CIRCLE allows me an opportunity to break my mundane routine. Honestly speaking, however, I didn’t take the necessary time to truly edit my work through several drafts and several rewrites. I’ve always been taught that the editing process should not be rushed. Ive become so concerned with pumping out new product to represent the XVA platform, that I’ve skipped steps that have been preached to me since 1998.

I will continue releasing chapters of THE DUPONT CIRCLE in January, 2011.

It may seem like such a long period to wait, but in all honesty, the months of November and December are going to fly by. With the holidays approaching and the associated weather changes, our new year will be here before it seems you finish reading this particular post. SMILES.



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