Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Glee Season 2 Episode 5

Desperate Housewives Season 7 Episode 5

Brothers & Sisters Season 5 Episode 5

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kanye West - Runaway

President Obama: It Gets Better

The Simpsons jump into Twilight with the help of Harry Potter

All Access Granted reaches 2000

Friday, October 22, 2010

Black Eyed Peas - The Beginning (Nov. 30th)

November 30, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Music: Black Eyed Peas - "The Time"


50 Cent is The Gay Ninja of Hip-Hop

50 Cent periodically spew anti-gay words everywhere.  It's only fitting that the closeted gay ninja himself covers XXL (double X L) Magazine with the young Twink, Soulja Boy.  Lets just say 50 Cent looks like Bishop Eddie Long in this situation . Doesnt Soulja Boy looked Troubled.  LoL .  Im just sayin

Rihanna - What's My Name



A Taste For Cherries

A Taste for Cherries

Product Description

The author of the cult hit, Dancing with the Devil, delivers another tale of obsessive lust run amok. Kyle will stop at nothing to get what he wants. His modus operandi, to silently seduce an outwardly straight young man - his cherry of the minute.


The kid made a sound like a big cat going for the kill and lunged. Kyle expected the attack and before the kid knew what hit him, he was deftly knocked to the floor. Kyle climbed on top, pinning him face down.

“Get off me!”

“Shut up,” Kyle said almost too calmly, before wrapping his arm around the kid’s neck, effectively ending the vocal protests.

As they lay there with their bodies pressed firmly together, the kid continued to struggle a little. His ass, covered only by thin cotton, seemed to wiggle lasciviously. Kyle felt his woodie growing. It throbbed between the cheeks of the kid; he stopped struggling.

“Now listen, then I’ll let you up. Cool?”

The kid nodded.

Kyle’s dick throbbed.

“I did fuck her – once. But it was a long time ago, before she knew you. It didn’t mean anything. All I’m trying to say is don’t get all caught up with one bitch−”

His dick throbbed again.

“−‘Hos come and go, but friends like me are always here for you−”


“−To help you out−”

“−And give you want you need, on the low. You feelin’ me?”

The kid nodded again; his ass muscles clenched
Throb, throb.

The passion was building to the point of no return. He wanted to fuck the boy right there. It would not be the wisest thing to do because someone could walk in at any moment. But good sense and lust did not mix well; like oil and water, one always rose to the top. As Kyle’s dick pulsated, his good judgment sank like a stone.

The kid had a tattoo of a dragon on his back. Kyle brushed his lips lightly across the elaborate design, breathing in the aroma of salty flesh. He released his grip, but the kid did not seem to be in a hurry to get up – in fact, his eyes were closed. Kyle sensed acquiescence; he knew that he could fuck him right then and there.

It had taken weeks to get to this point. Weeks of dropping sexual innuendo designed to intrigue the mind; weeks of showering in adjacent stalls and sharing Kyle’s Versace shower gel to aromatically intrigue the senses; weeks of well-placed touches designed to desensitize him to the stroke of a masculine hand; weeks of sharing exhausted moments in the locker room, too weak to speak, too tired to do anything but sit together and silently bond. All this was a part of Kyle’s usual plan, his modus operandi, to silently seduce an outwardly straight young man, his cherry of the minute.....

Cheesy Porn and other Fairytales

Cheesy Porn...and other fairytales


Product Description of the darkly provocative DANCING WITH THE DEVIL, answers the question: What is Cheesy Porn? "Well, first off, it's the title of one of the stories in the collection - where Dante recalls his first encounter with a porno theatre when he was only sixteen. The tsunami of sensations he experienced and later described as his "very first high" sent Dante on a decades-long pursuit of that high. Snippets from those decades are in Dancing with the Devil, the book that introduced the obsessive and horny Dante to the world. Cheesy Porn...and other fairytales peeps Dante in grammar school, the whimsical birth of his obsessive nature and the suspicion that one day he just may keep a hot boy chained in his basement."

About the Author of the darkly provocative DANCING WITH THE DEVIL, EXCERPT: "Fine," I said, "I ain't scared of Monsters." They let us inside in small groups. I was with some fat woman and her four boys, all older than me with crazy wild hair. They didn't notice as I slipped in behind them. I'd instinctively gone into stealth mode, like when me and Pepper hunted rats down by the train tracks. Besides, I wasn't Danté, the little Joe Rockhead Witness Boy with coke-bottle glasses and Ethiopia knees. I wasn't me at all. I'd transformed in an instant. Now, I was Danté-Fearless Monster-Hunter-and I always got my ghoul. I slipped past the tall dead guy at the door like vapor, barely rustling his cloak. He didn't even blink; never had a clue. Sometimes I amaze myself. The Mansion was dark, damp, the air heavy with the stench of graves, maggots and, weirdly enough, White Castle burgers. My eyes adjusted to the gloom and I realized the fat lady and her troupe were getting ahead of me down a narrow, cob-webbed corridor that she could barely fit through. Us Monster Hunters work best alone, but I didn't wanna leave them unprotected. It just didn't seem right. So I scurried after them, silently, of course. I heard a moan from one direction, a growl from another. Foot-steps pounded on a floor over us, someone was running, stumbling, yelling. One of the fat lady's boys screamed like a girl. I scowled at him, thinking-faggot. As big as he was, he should be ashamed. I hate fags. Dean said they all should die. I didn't argue with him. It's hard to argue while he's sticking your head in the toilet. But I knew he was wrong. He didn't know the real me. He just knew the 'me' who he loved to hit in the head in Dodge-Ball. But if he saw me now, in stealth mode, confronting hideous life-forms like these, then he'd know I'm much too fearless to be a fag....

Dancing with the Devil

Dancing With The Devil


Product Description

This gritty, guilty pleasure read is destined to become a cult classic. Five interconnected tales introducing the character known by one nefarious name - Danté - and delving into his numerous dances with his own dark side - obsession, addiction, lust, all those human motivations that make us do unexpected things with no regrets. EDITORIAL Review: Dancing With The Devil is a work of dark brilliance - an emotional experience that can leave the reader with the hollow emptiness that follows intense passion and explosive lust for a lover who will take you to ecstatic heights, then destroy you. It is that kind of writing - a journey into the lower depths of the soul with the path illuminated by flashes of hot lightning. And when it is all over, the emptiness slowly fills with the awareness of having survived and of having experienced the brutal edge of life at its most dangerous and most exhilarating. One thing can be guaranteed; you will not forget having read this book. It will excite you, haunt you and finally, it will cast you aside and leave you wanting more. ~ Toby Grace, Editor, Out IN Jersey magazine

About the Author

My favorite quote about writing is from Ernest Hemingway: "Write hard and clear about what hurts." That's what intrigues me - the pain and internal struggle between what we want and what we actually allow ourselves to do. I write the things people think, but are too scared to act on. Because we all have inner Devils, and sometimes they come out and dance ... whether we like it or not." ~ Taylor Siluwé Writing and directing a ninth-grade production titled Land of the Mandinka (an African Romeo & Juliet) gave Taylor Siluwé a burning passion to write. After studying creative writing at New York University, his first erotically charged short story, "A Taste for Cherries" appeared in the anthology, Tough Guys (Black Books). His work has since appeared in the anthologies, Law of Desire (Alyson Publications), and Best Gay Erotica 2008 (Cleis Press). Victor Hoff (who writes for Huffington Post, Men Of Color blog, et al) sums up Taylor Siluwé's 2009 offering - the darkly provocative short-story collection DANCING WITH THE DEVIL - with these words: "Taylor Siluwé journeys into some of the most hellish scenarios one would expect to find love and yet, as the writer more than capably shows, love, like weeds through brick, sprouts in many of the most unlikely places." Ka-os||Theory, London - put it this way: "...Siluwé's work is something different, a revelation, a bit special." The Jersey City native and amateur shutterbug spends his time writing and taking pretty pictures for Out IN Jersey magazine (most distributed regional for the LGBT community), and sounding off on his website, SGLcafé.com which shines a much needed light on Same Gender Love. Taylor is currently in the process of bringing DANCING WITH THE DEVIL to life.

Run 4 Gay Lives

The names are endless. Tyler Clementi's suicide is just the lightning rod garnering national attention, but gay teens die every day and go completely unnoticed. It's time to go to the root cause of the homophobia that's killing our children, homo-hatred from on high, to bring the reality of the lives lost to their doorstep.

In an article titled, We're Done Accepting Excuses, Toby Grace from Out IN Jersey magazine said it best:

"Too many kids have died. We're done with giving preachers and churches who teach homophobia a free pass because "you have to respect religion."No we do NOT have to respect religions that bring hatred and death. If some cult tried to re-establish the worship of Baal, to whom the people of ancient Carthage sacrificed infants, we would emphatically NOT respect them. Why then should we respect churches, such as the Mormons, that teach it is better to be dead than gay? Because they say God told them so? Yeah, well, the worshippers of Baal said the same thing. We will no longer let gay kids be sacrificed to the perverted version of God preached by arrogant fanatics who have stolen the stage from the great majority of religious people whose faith is in a doctrine of love and acceptance. We will confront them. We will tell the kids they are all right. We will show them a path to churches, organizations and people who will support and love them. We will let them know the message of hatred they have heard preached is a theology of darkness and evil."

Bishop Eddie Long is a lightning rod of another sort. The prosperity pastor has preached and marched for anti-gay causes, even advocating "death" for certain sins; which make the sexual coercion charges leveled by 4 young men recently against Long and his New Birth Baptist Missionary Church in Lithonia particularly reprehensible.

David Barton, Glenn Beck’s favorite Christian nationalist pseudo-historian wondered aloud why the federal government doesn’t “regulate homosexuality,” comparing gay men and lesbians to trans fats, fast food, cigarettes, hard liquor, and salt.

For these reasons, in association with SGL Café, we've launched Run4GayLives. Because we are fit, we are strong, and we are done accepting excuses for gay lives being lost to homo-hatred. The idea occurred while running and pondering the issue. The endorphines fueled a superhuman plan, a way to mix athleticism and healthy living with activism in an effort to raise awareness for the detrimental effects of homo-hatred on our youth.

The original idea was to run across country - wearing shirts with the faces of youth killed by homo-hatred (whether suicide or murder), and filming the whole thing for a documentary. That plan would take the better part of a year to complete. Yikes.

When the endorphine-rush faded, the plan took on a more realistic approach: to work with local LGBT friendly athletic groups, sports teams, etc. to organize local runs which would send a positive message to our youth, one with an athletic face that says the once-bullied are now strong. A face that says it certainly gets better.

Contact for more info as this action develops and if you'd like to participate or lend support. Meanwhile, to help move Run4GayLives from a crouch into a sprint, make a donation to the cause. Our generation needs to show the next one how powerful we really are.

Literary Provocateurs

pro·vo·ca·teur : One who provokes.

Literary Provocateurs are writers and artists who rock the social and sexual status quo with prose, paint, rhythm and bare flesh. 

Because that's what artists do. Stimulate the senses - and provoke.
Cover 1 copy-Trel-back-THUMB
Are you an artist,
writer, singer, rapper or model in need of exposure?

Ledisi - It's Christmas

Track List:
1.         I’ll Go *
2.         Children Go Where I Send Thee
3.         Give Love on Christmas Day
4.         Be There for Christmas *
5.         This Christmas (Could Be the One) *
6.         Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
7.         What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?
8.         It’s Christmas *
9.         What a Wonderful World
10.        Please Come Home for Christmas
11.        Silent Night
12.        Thank You *

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Kristen Stewart talks about Breaking Dawn

[Source] LA Times Blog

"Twilight" fans love to debate their favorite novel in Stephenie Meyer's bestselling vampire series. Kristen Stewart says she has her own favorite -- and it's the most explicit and intense of the bunch.
"This one's really good. This one really goes there, finally," said the actress who plays the iconic Bella Swan of "Breaking Dawn." "This one is like the forming of a family. You see everything really come to fruition because I feel like [Bella] has sort of gone through an accelerated growth period."
In November, Stewart will reprise the Bella role when she begins filming the first half of “Breaking Dawn,” the fourth movie in the “Twilight” franchise, which will be directed by Bill Condon. The story follows [spoiler alert: if you aren't familiar with "Breaking Dawn," skip to the last paragraph] Bella’s marriage to vampire Edward Cullen (Rob Pattinson), as the two finally consummate their relationship and Bella becomes pregnant.
"At this point," Stewart says, "you do accept [Bella] as a mom.”
Because their child is half-human and half-vampire, Bella’s pregnancy is riddled with complications -- all leading up to a dramatic birth scene, in which Edward tears open Bella’s stomach with his teeth to save their baby.
There has been speculation about how the graphic scene will be depicted on screen. Stewart acknowledges it's a "crazy concept," also describing werewolf Jacob's hearing "vampire teeth against vampire skin" during the childbirth scene.
Just how that will play out on screen, though, has yet to be determined. "I've seen the script," which tracks closely to the book, she says. "But it depends on how they shoot it."
Stewart, who was speaking to 24 Frames to promote her new independent drama "Welcome to the Rileys," said she thinks her "Twilight" character has been misunderstood. “Bella’s criticized sometimes for being, like, you know -- I don’t know, selfish and overly emotional and silly and frivolous and annoying and young,” said Stewart. “That’s sort of like a very judgmental way of looking at it."
--Amy Kaufman

Monica Gets Engaged

Singer, Monica, was showing off her new rock on twitter yesterday!
NBA baller, Shannon Brown, asked for her hand in marriage this week.  Brown played Monica's love interest in the " Love All Over Me" video recently this year. 
The couple has only been together for a few months since filming the music video and are ready to settle down.
There seems to be a trend of speed-marriages these days. Brown, who plays for the LA Lakers, has been compared to his teammate Lamar Odom, who jumped the broom only a few months after meeting Khloe Kardashian. 

Scream 4 Official Trailer


(Click to ENLARGE)

We ALL are perfect as we are. Don't let anyone put you down!

Tyler Perry Speaks Out About his Molestation (today 4 pm)

Homeless vets

He was beaten, scarred and nearly broken. In a groundbreaking interview, Hollywood mogul Tyler Perry reveals the devastating details of his childhood sexual abuse. 

I Love My Boo: A Discussion on Love, Support and Relationships - Monday, October 25

(Click to ENLARGE)


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Glee Gone Wild for GQ Magazine


Monday, October 18, 2010

Exclusive: Willow Smith "Whip My Hair" Video

Glee Season 2 Episode 4

Lie To Me Season 3 Episode 2

Desperate Housewives Season 7 Episode 4

Brothers & Sisters Season 5 Episode 4